Muke's Weblog
Sunday, February 08, 2004
  Xiangqi - Wikipedia: Xiangqi (象棋 pinyin xiang4 qi2, pronunciation resembles "see-ahng chi"), also called Chinese chess or elephant chess, is a game that is similar to shogi and chess and goes back to the same origins: the Indian game Chatrang, from about 1400 years ago.

Looks cool... will hafta try it sometime..  

  IIALC 1930, Practical Orthography of African Languages: "THE first edition of the Practical Orthography of African Languages, consisting of 3,500 copies (3,000 in English and 500 in German) has been sold out within two years. This fact proves that the problem of finding a practical and uniform method of writing African languages has aroused widespread interest, and that the efforts of the Institute towards the solution of the problem have met with considerable response."

Interesting resource on standard use of Latin(ate) characters for languages with larger phoneme inventories than actual Latin. [CONLANG] 

Because my bookmarks file gets too crowded.

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