Ibran sound changes

This page lists the current set [γ] of sound changes that separate Ibran from Vulgar Latin. (This page is basically complete. If you find incongruities, bug me about them.)


Stressed A > a /A/
MARE > mar /mAr/
LANA > lane /lA:n/
Stressed AI > ei /eI_^/ (> [e:])
MAGIS [> *mais] > meis /meIh/
CANTAVI [> *cantai] > ciàntei /"Can.teI/
Stressed A after velar > à /a/ plus palatalization
CAPRA > ciàbre /"Ca.br=/
CANE > ciàn /Can/
Stressed A follwed by (velar)(stop/nas/S) > ae /AE_^/
FACTU > faet /fAEt/
FRAXINU > vraesne /frAE.sn=/
Stressed A before (R/L)(yod) > à /a/
RIPARIA > ribàrë /ri"ba.rE/
Stressed A before syll-final M/P/B/L > au /o:/
FLAMMA > vlaum /flo:m/
CAMPU > ciaup /Co:p/
Stressed A after a stress shift > aa /A:/
CANTARE > ciàntaar /"Can.tA:r/
Initial-syll unstressed A remains a /A/ (or à /a/).
MATURU > malure /"mA.ly:r/
Pretonic unstressed A becomes ă /V/, which is unstressable.
ORNAMENTU > ornăment /"Or.nV.mEnt/
MUSARIONE > mosăreun /"mO.sV.r9n/
Posttonic unstressed A remains a /A/
ORPHANU > orfane /"Or.fA:n/


Initial B remains b /b/
BENE > bien /bjEn/
Intervocalic B becomes v /f/
HABERE > avijr /"A.fi:r/
Intervocalic B before (yod) becomes y /j/
RABIA > raye /rA:j/
Syllable-final B before another consonant becomes u /w/
PARAB[O]LA > paraul /'pA.ro:l/


Initial C before front vowels becomes c /C/
CERA > cére /Ce:r/
Initial C before A becomes ci /C/
CAPU > ciàbe /Ca:b/
Initial C before back vowels remains c /k/
COLLU > cuille /kVHL/
Intervocalic C before front vowels becomes g /C/
FACIT > fage /fA:C/
Intervocalic C before A becomes gi /C/
PLACARE > plagiàar /"plA.Ca:r/
Intervocalic C before back vowels becomes g /X/
FOCU > huig /hVHX/
C that becomes /C/ before a vowel that drops is spelled x
DUCE > dux /dYC/
FACERE > faxre /"fA.Cr=/


Intervocalic D drops
CREDERE > crire /kri:r/
Initial D remains d /d/
DAMNU > dagne /dA:J/
CEDRU > ciedre /"CE.dr=/
D with yod becomes j /x/ initially and y /j/ medially
DIURNU > jorn /xOrn/


Stressed Ę (CL short E, Æ) > ie /jE/—palatalizing T > tj /C/ and c/g /C/
SPEC[U]LU > spiegle /'spjE.Xl=/
CENTU > cient /CEnt/
TERRA > tjerre /CEr/
Stressed Ę before (velar)(stop/nas/S) > ei /eI/
LECTU > leit /leIt/
SEX > seis /seIs/
Stressed Ę before (R/L)(yod) > è /E/
MATERIA > malèrë /mA'lE.rE/
Stressed EE > ei or ey /eI_^/
PEDE [> *pee] > pey /peI/
LEGE [> *lee] > ley /reI/
Stressed (CL short I/long E) > i /i/ through a stage */je/ > /ji/, thus palatalizing
VELU > vile /vi:l/
PILU > pile /pi:l/
TELA > tjile /Ci:l/
PLENU [> *pljenu] > pine /pi:n/
PLENU [> *pljenu] > lléne /Le:n/
Stressed after velar > é /e/
CERA > cére /Ce:r/
Stressed before /w/ > u /y/
VIDUA [> *veua] > vuhe /fy:/
VIDUA [> *veua] > veu /f2:/
Initial-syll unstressed E > e /E/
NEPOTE > nebuul /'nE.by:l/
NEPOTE > neboul /"nE.bu:l/


F remains f /f/ everywhere except before an older /w/, where it becomes h /h/
FESTA > fiête /fjE:t/
FOCU > huig /hVHX/


Intervocalic G disappears
REGE > rey /rEj/
EGO > yeu /j2:/
VIGINTI > veint /feInt/


Latin H drops everywhere.


Stressed I remains unchanged
SCRIPTU (> *scrittu) > scrite/skri:t/
Stressed I before syll-final M/P/B/L > u /y/
MILLE > mul /mYl/
Initial-syll unstressed I remains unchanged unless it is word-initial, when it drops
RIPARIA > ribàrë /ri'ba.rE/
HISTORIA > stòrë /'stO.rE/
Consonantal I generally becomes j /x/
IOCU > juig /xVHX/


Initial and intervocalic L usually remains unmolested.
LOCU > luig /lVHX/
L before yod palatalizes to ll /L/
FOLIA > foille /fO:L/
Syllable-final L before another consonant velarizes to a semivowel
ALTERU > autre /"o:tr=/


Initial and intervocalic M stays itself.
MATRE > madre /"mAdr=/
Syllable-final M before another consonant softens to a semivowel
CAMPU > ciaup /Co:p/


N stays n /n/
NUTRICE > nudrix /'ny.drIC/
NN and MN, and N with yod palatalize to gn /J/
ANNU > agne /A:J/


Stressed Ǫ (CL short O) > ui /VH/
FOCU > huig /hVHX/
NOVU > nuif /nVHf/
Stressed Ǫ or before (velar)(stop/nas/S) > oe /OE_^/
NOCTE > noet /nOEt/
TRUCTA > troet /trOEt/
Stressed Ǫ before (L/R)(yod) > ò or oi /O/
FOLIA > fòlë /'fO.lE/
FOLIA > foille /fO:L/
Stressed OI > ui /VH/
PODIU > puy /pVH/
Stressed in unchecked syllables > u /y/
NEPOTE > neboul /'nEbu:l/
FLORE > vlur /flYr/
Stressed unchecked after a stress change > ou /u:/
AMO:RE > amour /"A.mu:r/
Stressed in checked syllables > o /O/ (through /wO/)
GUTTA > gote /XO:t/
CUPPA > cope /kO:p/
Initial-syll unstressed O, in open syllables before a front vowel > à /a/
MOVERE > màvijr /'ma.vi:r/
Initial-syll unstressed O, in closed sylls or open ones before back vowels > o /O/
DORMIRE > dormijr /'dOr.mi:r/


Initial P remains p /p/
PORTA > puirt /pVHrt/
Intervocalic P voices to b /b/
CAPUM > ciàbe /Ca:b/


Before front vowels QU becomes /k/ spelled qu initially and /X/ spelled gu intervocalically
QUAERERE > quierre /kjEr/
Before back vowels QU becomes /k/ spelled c initially and /X/ spelled g intervocalically
QUOMODO > cume /"ky:m/


R never appears to change at all!


S before a yod or a ie-phthong becomes j /x/
SEMPER > jeupre /'x2.pr=/
Otherwise it remains unchanged.


T before a yod or ie-phthong becomes tj /C/
TERRA > tjerre /CEr/


Stressed U > u /Y/
MURU > mure /my:r/
Stressed U before (velar)(stop/nas/S) > ui /VH/
FRUCTU > vruit /frVHt/
Initial-syll unstressed U unchecked before front vowels > eu /2/
Initial-syll unstressed U checked > /u/
NUTRICE > nudrix /"ny.driC/


V generally remains v /f/
VITA > vile /fi:l/